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FOR NEW MEMBERS: 1/3 off first recording session!

Discounted session includes Control Room hire only (£50 suppl. fee for Live Room)  /  expires 01Dec2016
Offer applies to members who have not yet booked a session at the studio.
Offer applies to full day sessions only - half-day sessions will still be charged at full price.
If multiple session dates are booked the offer only applies to the first full day.
Bookings must be made for dates within the offer period to qualify; bookings made during the offer period for dates after the offer expires do not qualify.
Quote ref: 1/3NEWDEC16 when booking

FOR EXISTING MEMBERS: 1/3 off next recording session through referral scheme!

Discounted session includes Control Room hire only (£50 suppl. fee for Live Room)  /  expires 01Dec2016
Offer applies to members who have already booked and paid for at least one session at the studio.
Offer applies to full day sessions only - half-day sessions will still be charged at full price.
Offer replaces the usual 10% discount offered to members via the referral scheme for the special offer period. Details of how the referral scheme works can be found here. The referral scheme will revert to normal at the end of the special offer period. 
Bookings must be made for dates within the offer period to qualify; bookings made during the offer period for dates after the offer expires do not qualify.
Quote ref: 1/3REFERDEC16 when booking

© 2016 Marketstall Recording Ltd.

For full terms and conditions of offers and services click here.

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